Voice of America reporters have always gone wherever necessary to lớn get the story & with Special English, created a tool lớn enable listeners khổng lồ understand it. The Special English program not only allows broadcast of an unbiased news program, but gives listeners a way lớn improve their communication và English skills while being informed.Special English debuted in 1959. The daily programs use a simpler English – with a core vocabulary of approximately 1,500 words – and reports are paced 1/3 slower than regular English khổng lồ allow learners lớn increase comprehension while building their vocabulary. Special English allows learners khổng lồ stay connected, eager, & interested in the language by broadcasting stories that relate to their lives in business, health, science, & pop culture as well as news.Avi Arditti, Managing Editor for Social Media, explains that the main goal of Special English is for the listener khổng lồ understand the nội dung of what is being broadcast, và to steadily build their proficiency. Khổng lồ accomplish this, stories are written in clear, direct ways, using the vi xử lý core 1,500-word vocabulary whenever possible. “There is a fine line between being simplified & simplistic,” says Avi. “We never want khổng lồ cross that line.” So when necessary, more “advanced” English words are used & the meanings made clear, so the stories never suffer from incomplete information.“English is the language of opportunity và personal freedom,” Avi explains. These days, people who want to lớn be successful & have opportunities need lớn learn English, và that is why there is such a demand for this program among the youth of non-English-speaking countries. Interactive games và sites are available at www.VOASpecialEnglish.com khổng lồ let people practice English when they have no other way to lớn practice. There is even a blog, Confessions of an English Learner, http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/blog/1205974.html, that lets people tell of their own misuses of English.Special English isn’t just available during a broadcast or online, however. Videos are available on YouTube, www.youtube.com/voalearningenglish, và MP3s can be downloaded through táo apple iTunes. The next step, Avi tells, is to have videos, texts và MP3s downloaded through the electronic book, Kindle. Testimonials from listeners around the world have thanked VOA for Special English. One man from Cuba speaks of learning English in secret through radio programs broadcast by VOA, “…It was amazing how we began to lớn widen our vocabulary and speech. After a couple years we became fluent. Needless lớn say it was a turning point in my life.”

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