John Price

A member of the British Special Forces và leader of both Bravo Team and Task Force 141, Price made his mark by taking out the notorious arms dealer, Zakhaev, & his protégé, Makarov.


David Mason

Member of SEAL Team Six & son of CIA agent Alex Mason, the Lt. Commander quickly rose through the ranks to lớn oversee the J-SOC Strike Force.

Bạn đang xem: Call of duty: mobile


Alex Mason

A CIA operative và retired Marine Force Recon Captain, Mason was part of an assassination squad which carried out missions in Cuba, Vietnam, & Laos.


Simon "Ghost" Riley

Second in command of Task Force 141 and recognized by his iconic skull balaclava, Ghost led the strike team to search the ultranationalist Makarov’s safe house lớn gain invaluable intel.


Thomas Merrick

Field commander in 2027, Merrick established his reputation during Operation Sand Viper by defending a civilian hospital from more than five hundred enemy fighters with only sixty operators.

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John Price

A thành viên of the British Special Forces & leader of both Bravo Team & Task Force 141, Price made his mark by taking out the notorious arms dealer, Zakhaev, and his protégé, Makarov.

David Mason

Member of SEAL Team Six và son of CIA agent Alex Mason, the Lt. Commander quickly rose through the ranks to oversee the J-SOC Strike Force.

Alex Mason

A CIA operative & retired Marine Force Recon Captain, Mason was part of an assassination squad which carried out missions in Cuba, Vietnam, và Laos.

Simon "Ghost" Riley

Second in command of Task Force 141 & recognized by his iconic skull balaclava, Ghost led the strike team to search the ultranationalist Makarov’s safe house khổng lồ gain invaluable intel.

Thomas Merrick

Field commander in 2027, Merrick established his reputation during Operation Sand Viper by defending a civilian hospital from more than five hundred enemy fighters with only sixty operators.